
Making Order Out of Chaos - TopRight Partners

Written by TopRight Leadership | June 12, 2020

The speed of change in MarTech is accelerating. You may have noticed how rapidly our world is changing. It’s crazy—and the pace of change is only increasing.

In order to survive and thrive in this “new normal,” there’s a need to evaluate your marketing practices so you can recalibrate and course correct your business operations for relevance in this new market. TopRight is not immune to the shifting landscape, so we’re taking our own medicine in transformational marketing and changing the way we operate.

With Crisis Comes Opportunity

The current crisis has certainly changed how we work, but if anything we’re more productive than ever hiring, promoting and growing our business capabilities. The key for us is being resilient in the face of change and adapting quickly before getting left behind. Our strategy is to position ourselves to lead the way, and it’s our systems practices that have made all the difference.

One of the biggest changes we’ve made so far in 2020 is insourcing our MarTech stack. We’re a one of the top transformation marketing firms in Atlanta, so we pay close attention to where the market is headed. Now we’re raising the bar in marketing automation.

Our situation had gotten our of control. To begin with, we saw that our MarTech stack had gotten very messy with

  • multiple redundant technology vendors
  • overlapping and overcomplicated functionality
  • poor application integration, a “spaghetti factory”
  • rising costs, heavy administration, and a lack of tech support.

It was painful! Here’s a visual representation of how it felt to operate in this context.

The Solution: TopRight Marketing Automation EXperience

To solve this collection of problems, we took a major step away from outdated methods of marketing automation and pivoted toward a new consolidated model of end-to-end fully integrated operations. We call it TopRightMAX.

The TopRight Marketing Automation Experience (MAX) is an all-in-one automated marketing system for firms and brands of all sizes, a fully integrated, one-stop shop for all things marketing. Here’s what it feels like to use it.

The real backstory is that as a company we had grown frustrated with HubSpot and its limited integration with CRM, so we configured our own end-to-end solution. After tailoring accessibility, UX, data integration, and functionality to the needs of we know that businesses have, we now have a CRM system that houses our contacts, accounts and opportunities at the touch of a button in a fully integrated database.

Next, we have strong automation and visual workflows to manage all of our campaigns, not to mention functional and compelling landing pages, lead scoring and much more. And the results have been fabulous: our costs have dropped while our customer engagement, deal flow, and book of business have grown exponentially.

What’s in It for You

Now that we’ve spent some time assessing and refining our solution, we’re offering it to the market. New users of TopRightMAX will have access to the following three options:

  • Marketing as a Service

The easiest option: you outsource your marketing to us and we do it for you using TopRight MAX automation systems.

  • Hybrid Automation

We work with you on our TopRightMAX system. This is a great model for those who want eventual independence and a deeper understanding of marketing automation.

  • Marketing Independence

Ditch your old CRM, let us train you on TopRight MAX, and then you can take the wheel with full confidence in all of your future marketing campaigns.

We’ve found TopRightMAX to be that piece of the marketing puzzle that we’ve always been missing. It has streamlined and amped up our marketing work without question. Simpler is always better. And in a world of chaos, having a fully integrated marketing automation system will enable you to quickly adjust to a changing marketplace and give you the confidence to jump on new opportunities just like we do at TopRight.

Sign up for the TopRight blog! If you feel like you could use a little boost in your sales or a quick marketing health check, then let’s have a conversation. In the meantime, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, follow TopRight on Twitter @toprightpartner, or pick up a copy of CEO Dave Sutton’s latest book, Marketing, Interrupted.