
Crucial Tips for Working from Home - TopRight Partners

Written by TopRight Leadership | April 27, 2020

Working remotely is one of the latest workplace trends being adopted on a large scale. Not only does remote work keep your employees happy, but it allows them to pick the setting in which they feel most productive.

When employees are equipped with the right tools to get their job done, they can make their work happen anywhere.

How to Make Remote Marketing Work

While some jobs may seem impossible to do from a remote location, digital jobs like marketing are a perfect fit for remote work. Though, you will need a decent laptop for digital marketing if you are thinking about working from the comfort of your home.

When working remotely in this field, some worry that digital communication would be difficult or unproductive. The key to making this arrangement work in marketing is effective and regular communication with team members on the same remote platform. With so many modes of communication for businesses, it can be easy to lose important information in the mass of digital dialogue.

Keeping all communications on a single platform streamlines this important aspect of remote work.

Working Together from Afar

Cloud-based technologies are the future of business communication.

These tools allow us to store, protect, and share documents and ideas over the internet, meaning employees can easily access information anywhere and therefore can work or collaborate from any location.

These tools also give users the ability to conduct business calls from anywhere. Traditionally, employees would be limited to using their work phones. With the introduction of new tools like cloud-hosted voiceover IP technology, any mobile device can be used as a business phone. This technology lets employees take business calls using their business number, meaning that team members are always accessible.

Adding another cloud-based tool for customer relationship management would help your remote marketing teams have secure access to important customer information wherever they’re based without fear of compromising data. When your marketing or sales teams are working asynchronously, cloud-powered CRM platforms also serve as a single source of truth when it comes to customer information, ensuring that each and every member of your organization has access to information that is accurate and able to be revised in real-time.

How Do You Manage Remote Employees?

New remote business technology, such as internet-based project management software, also makes it easier for remote project managers to see the progress their team makes. Posting updates on work keeps project managers in the loop for each of their tasks no matter where the team is located. Many project management tools pair easily with the software workers need to use to complete their tasks, such as Google Docs, providing a seamless transition between getting the assignment and working on it.

Digital workplace management technologies are a great way to ensure that employees are on track, even when no one is around to manage them. When employees post their work to online platforms or reach out for collaboration purposes, employers can see the work employees are doing outside the office to make sure that everyone is working in tandem for success.

Can Remote Work Save You Money?

For remote work, there is also a wealth of benefits from a business owner’s perspective. Employee retention rates are much higher when employers allow work from home. Acknowledging that employees have personal lives with hectic schedules to maintain and giving them the freedom to work around these circumstances will make them more likely to stick with your company in the end.

Plus, business owners save on the cost of leasing out large office spaces if a portion of the team is working elsewhere. Similarly, employers can cut down their costs by relying on smarter business tools. Using internet-based tools is typically much less expensive than hardwired tech because it reduces the amount of time and energy you need to spend maintaining your own hardware. Employees are also likely to be more familiar with these internet-friendly solutions.

Overall, workers are much happier when they are using tech that they feel familiar with. By using devices they are used to working with, chances are they’ll get much more work done because time won’t be wasted training on the new tech. Such a boost to productivity adds up quickly, helping you yield a higher return in your profits.

To learn more about how to get the most out of enabling technologies when working from home, please follow me @TopRightPartner!  If you’d like to continue receiving a series of great tips like this, sign up for the TopRight blog, connect with me on LinkedIn, or buy a copy of my latest book, Marketing, Interrupted.