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4 Tips for Creating a Winning User Experience

Without a doubt, providing an excellent experience for customers is one of every business’s main priorities to achieve success. This is the same reason why companies go to great lengths to elevate their customer’s satisfaction by providing quality customer service.

But since the dawn of the internet, businesses need more than providing excellent customer service to stand out in today’s competitive market. Because potential clients are more likely to interact with companies online first, company websites need to translate their version of quality customer service into the User Experience (UX) design of their site.

A website that offers a great user experience can generate more leads, increase traffic, and boost conversion. On the other hand, a terrible website UX may lead to higher bounce rates, which translates into fewer visitors and lower search engine rankings. That’s why you should use the best UX practices that often involve paring down the information you present to visitors so they don’t get distracted or confused. However, this doesn’t mean you have to take a minimalist approach to web design since web design has evolved. It’s important to find out everything you can about types of web design that are popular on the market today. You can always check it out by searching popular agencies from the biggest cities in the US like New York, Los Angeles, etc. By simply searching for the best web design company in New York, you can find out more about their projects and choose the best trends for your company’s website.

In this article, you’ll discover how to measure and provide a high-quality user experience on your website. So, if you’re a business owner wanting to increase traffic and boost your conversion, read on to learn more.

What Is User Experience? 

Before diving deeper into the nitty-gritty of providing a great user experience, you need to understand what UX design entails.  Engaging an agency that specializes in providing UX design services is often the best place to start, because there are quite a number of misconceptions about user experience design. People tend to associate it with product design, while others think of it as the science and psychology of a product.

In reality, UX design is a combination of design and psychology. UX is the way users will feel about your product, service, or system after using it. It is used in web design, app development, and software development.

To put it simply, UX design on a website means focusing on how the users would feel when they’re on your website. Can they navigate through your website without breaking a sweat? Is it engaging that they consume more than one piece of content you publish? Does your website load quickly?

These elements, among other components, provide for a great user experience.

To create a good user experience for your site visitors, consider these four components:

  1. Focus On Speed

Nothing can be more frustrating than waiting for a slow website to load. Website speed is a critical factor in the

bounce rate of a website. Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to a particular website who leaves the site after viewing only one page. Since people nowadays have a very short attention span, you need to optimize your website’s speed. It’s best practice to keep load speeds under two to three seconds to satisfy your visitors and encourage them to stay on your website.


To optimize site speed, you may need to compress images and other files on your website. High-quality images take a large amount of time to load completely, thus slowing down your website. Compressing images down to 1 MB or less without sacrificing the quality is an excellent way to keep your load speeds down to a minimum.

  1. Optimize Your Website For Mobile Devices

More than half of web users browse the internet via their mobile devices. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile or tablet use, you’re missing out on a large amount of traffic.

A mobile-friendly website refers to the website’s responsiveness when it’s accessed using a smaller screen. While desktop showcases your site horizontally, mobile devices have a vertical screen real estate.

For this reason, websites not optimized for mobile phones will appear smaller, making it harder for users to navigate when viewed from a smaller screen.

  1. Make It Easy On The Eyes

In UX design, the ‘less is more’ principle definitely applies. Gone are the days when websites are filled with features and designs that do nothing but clutter the user’s screen.

Today, your text’s readability and simplicity of the design is an essential factor that keeps users on your website.

Because site visitors only have minimal time to consume your content, you must supply them with the information they need right off the bat.

To improve your website’s overall look and feel, avoid using extremely unique fonts that may be illegible to your users. Instead, use a font and font size that’s easy on the eyes of your users.

Maintain a balance between chunks of content and white spaces on your website. It’s easy to populate unused spaces on your website with ads. However, too many ads may clutter your website, and too much clutter may drive away potential customers.

  1. Use Bullet Points In Your Content

Nobody likes to read massive blocks of text. As mentioned previously, users need information, and they need it fast. To make your website stand out from your competition, publish content that’s easy to skim through. Use bullet points or a numbered list in your content to provide easily digestible answers.


Your website’s user experience design is a make or break for your business. Your customers will encounter your business online before they even go to your physical store—if you have one. And since the market may be saturated with competition, you need to provide an edge to stand out for your prospects. Providing a high-quality user experience can give you that edge and help build your loyal customer base.

If you’re looking for more tips on formulating your UX, transforming your customer experience, or creating winning digital strategies, subscribe to the TopRight blog! Or connect with me on Twitter and on LinkedIn.  You can learn more about how to bring simplicity, clarity, and alignment to your brand’s story, strategy, and systems in our best selling book: Marketing, Interrupted.

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