Qualcomm: Smart Audio Technology Brand Refresh


Qualcomm, a pioneer in wireless technology and mobile innovation, faced the challenge of making its complex technologies relatable to a broader audience. Focused on its smart audio technology, Qualcomm aimed to refresh its brand at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and secure over $1 billion in new contracts.


A multifaceted brand refresh strategy was devised, grounded in comprehensive market and consumer research. This included:

  • Establishing a new brand strategy positioning Qualcomm at the intersection of innovation and user-centric technology.
  • Creating a dynamic brand platform that communicates the benefits of Qualcomm’s smart audio technology.
  • Developing a compelling brand story and persona for developers, OEMs, and partners.
  • Redesigning the brand identity to reflect modernity and accessibility.
  • Crafting targeted messaging and advertising campaigns to build anticipation and awareness ahead of CES.
  • Designing attractive package design to enhance shelf presence and appeal.
  • Orchestrating a strategic launch at CES with an engaging product launch video showcasing AllPlay technology.

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The rebranding and strategic CES launch were a monumental success, securing $1.3 billion in new contracts. Qualcomm partnered with five of the top ten speaker brands and OEMs to embed AllPlay technology. This initiative highlighted Qualcomm’s innovative capabilities, transforming complex technologies into accessible, essential components of modern life.


Through strategic rebranding and a successful CES launch, Qualcomm demonstrated its ability to evolve its brand, securing continued growth and relevance in the competitive tech landscape. The initiative reinforced Qualcomm’s position as a leader in wireless technology and user-centric innovation.

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